Architecture Marketing & Business Program – Online Courses for Architects

Are you struggling to grow your architecture or design studio?

Course at a Glance

  • 99% Positive Reviews
  • 3587 Professionals Enrolled
  • 16 Courses in 1
  • 40 Hours of Content
  • 300 Video Lessons
  • 100+ Additional Resources
  • Online at your pace
  • Audio: English
  • Subtitle: English, Spanish
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Watch Full HD Resolution

Founders Special Offer

One Time Payment | No Monthly Fees

Learn proven strategies to accelerate your design business & become famous

Many businesses failed during the pandemic. Some thrived—the sole reason for the ones that thrived being resilience.

Is your business resilient? Let’s find out!

1. Do you struggle to get new clients?
2. Are you constantly worried about the growth of your firm?
3. Do you find it hard to put effort into marketing your services?
4. Have you been relying only on word of mouth for new clients?
5. Does your business strategy feel incompatible with the present times?

If any of the above is a yes, you have to reconsider your business growth strategy. So how can you make your business resilient? Let’s find out.

The world is changing, and so are the businesses. Architects no longer work in isolation. They put their work out, share them with an audience and have a dedicated fanbase. Designers and architects today have become brands.

But why the talk about branding now? Well, the most resilient businesses are nothing but brands.

Additionally, according to a survey, having a great brand can bring the expenses of hiring and training down by as much as 50%.

Building a brand gets you a loyal audience. Your work is valued much higher than someone with no brand identity. With a strong brand, you get the freedom to charge as you like and work with more flexibility.

All of this has made branding the most critical aspect of business growth. Whether you are a young firm or have been around for years, it’s essential to invest in building your brand.

Learn all the why’s and how’s with Architecture Marketing & Business Program

The package will help you to

Build an intelligent, passionate and long-lasting team

Grow and brand your design business

Become famous and attract clients

Build an intelligent, passionate and long-lasting team

Ready to become a Successful Architect or Designer?

Through 16 online self-paced courses, learn all it takes to build a successful brand and grow your business. Gone are the traditional ways of marketing and growing your business. Now’s the time to be equipped with the new age techniques.

Through this learning experience, you’d be able to do the following:

- Develop a unique brand that people remember you for
- Understand how to best position yourself in the competitive architecture market
- Identify & implement the most successful marketing techniques for your business
- Get an influx of new and returning clients
- Become a thought leader in the industry
- Get your projects published in magazines and online publications
- Present your designs and ideas better
- Upskill your team on core design related subjects & develop more time for yourself work on business growth
- Develop better relationships with your team and retain them longer

Course 1

How to get Your Projects Published

14 Video Lessons

1 hour 40 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 Why it’s absolutely important to get published
Episode 3.1 Different mediums of design publication & how they work
Episode 4.1 Naming your Project
Episode 4.2 Crafting a compelling story of your project
Episode 5.1 What images work best for your project & how to get these done
Episode 6.1 Approaching Online and Print Publications
Episode 7.1 Preparing Media Plan & Media Kit
Episode 8.1 Exclusive Stories & Follow Ups
Episode 9.1 Integrating Communications staff in your team
Episode 10.1 Getting published worldwide & how it helps
Episode 11.1 Architecture & Design Awards
Episode 12.1 ROI
Episode 13.1 Conclusion

Course 2

How to Build Brand for Your Design Studios

16 Video Lessons

2 hours Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 Why build a brand?
Episode 2.2 Evolution of Branding
Episode 2.3 Components of a Strategic Brand
Episode 3.1 What is the brand purpose, How to develop it?
Episode 3.2 Brand Vision, Writing Vision Statement, Brand Mission, How to develop it?
Episode 3.3 Core Values
Episode 4.1 Brand Positioning and Target Audience
Episode 4.2 Competitors, Differentiator and Positioning Strategy
Episode 5.1 Brand personality
Episode 6.1 Brand Psychology
Episode 7.1 Storytelling
Episode 8.1 Brand Name & Promise
Episode 9.1 Visual Identity
Episode 10.1 Brand Presence
Episode 11.1 Conclusion

Course 3

Introduction to Landscape Architecture

39 Video Lessons

4 hours 45 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 What is Landscape Architecture
Episode 2.2 Difference between Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Episode 2.3 Who should study Landscape Architecture and Challenges to the profession
Episode 3.1 Frederick Law Olmsted
Episode 3.2 John Brinckerhoff Jackson
Episode 3.3 Ian L. McHarg
Episode 3.4 Yi-Fu Tuan and Oladele Ogunseitan
Episode 3.5 Edward Relph
Episode 3.6 Richard T T Forman
Episode 3.7 James Corner
Episode 4.1 Line
Episode 4.2 Form and Visual Weight
Episode 4.3 Texture
Episode 4.4 Colour
Episode 5.1 Repetition
Episode 5.2 Balance, Scale & Proportion
Episode 5.3 Hierarchy, Emphasis, Contrast & Unity
Episode 6.1 Introduction to Plants
Episode 6.2 Annual, Biennial, and Perennial Plants & Shrubs
Episode 6.3 Trees
Episode 6.4 Climbers, Creepers, Cacti, Succulents & Indoor Plants
Episode 6.5 Ornamental Palms and Bulbous Plants
Episode 7.1 Pavers
Episode 7.2 Special Pavers
Episode 7.3 Kerbstones & Lighting
Episode 7.4 Special Elements
Episode 8.1 Climatology – I
Episode 8.2 Climatology-II
Episode 8.3 Topography, Soil & Accessibility
Episode 8.4 Site Features & Context
Episode 9.1 Layouts
Episode 9.2 Cut & Fill Maps
Episode 10.1 Principles of Sustainable Landscape Design
Episode 10.2 Sustainable Landscape Design Strategies
Episode 10.3 Ecosystem & Benefits of Sustainable Landscapes
Episode 11.1 Case study of an Innovative Landscape Project
Episode 11.2 Case study of a Sustainable Landscape Project
Episode 12.1 Conclusion

Course 4

Introduction to Urban Design

35 Video Lessons

3 hours 15 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 What Is Urban Design?
Episode 2.2 Who Should Study Urban Design?
Episode 2.3 Relevance And Importance Of Urban Design
Episode 3.1 Location, Connectivity & Movement Networks
Episode 3.2 Understanding History
Episode 3.3 Development Layers
Episode 3.4 Functional Structure
Episode 3.5 Activity Cycle
Episode 3.6 Morphological Study
Episode 4.1 Public Participation Is The Key
Episode 4.2 Vision Statement & Objectives
Episode 4.3 Form Based Design Strategies
Episode 4.4 Function Based Design Strategies
Episode 4.5 Network Based Design Strategies
Episode 4.6 Area Level Design Strategies
Episode 4.7 Preparing A Structure Plan
Episode 4.8 Area Level Structure Plan
Episode 5.1 Area Programme
Episode 5.2 Design Moves
Episode 5.3 Layout Plans
Episode 5.4 Volumetric Representation
Episode 5.5 Urban Transformation
Episode 6.1 Urban Design Case Studies Vs Architectural Case Studies
Episode 6.2 Jamshedpur – The Industrial Town
Episode 6.3 Runcorn – The Satellite Town
Episode 6.4 Gandhinagar – Gujarat’S New Seat Of Power
Episode 6.5 Copenhagen – The Finger Plan
Episode 6.6 Navi Mumbai – Mumbai’s Satellite City
Episode 6.7 Singapore – The Urban Transformation
Episode 7.1 Where Is Urban Design Used?
Episode 7.2 What Urban Designers Do?
Episode 7.3 Challenges To Urban Design Profession
Episode 7.4 What Are The Job Opportunities For Urban Designers
Episode 8.1 Conclusion

Course 5

Design Thinking in Architecture

18 Video Lessons

2 hours 20 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 What is Design Thinking
Episode 2.2 Qualities of a Design Thinker
Episode 2.3 Design Thinking Approaches
Episode 2.4 Sample Case – The Case of Market
Episode 2.5 Design Thinking by Stanford D. Approach
Episode 3.1 Design with Empathy
Episode 3.2 Information Gathering Methods
Episode 3.3 Analysis of Gandhinagar Market
Episode 4.1 Synthesise Fragmented Data
Episode 4.2 Who defines the Problem Statement
Episode 4.3 Point of View
Episode 4.4 Getting into Ideation Phase
Episode 5.1 Ideation Methods
Episode 5.2 Sample Ideation: The Case of Market
Episode 6.1 Prototype
Episode 7.1 Test
Episode 8.1 Conclusion

Course 6

Introduction to Passive Design Strategies

20 Video Lessons

3 hours 15 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 Introduction to Passive Design
Episode 2.2 Features of Passive Design
Episode 3.1 Climate Responsive Architecture
Episode 3.2 Thermal Comfort & Comfort Zone
Episode 4.1 Climate Variables
Episode 4.2 Worldwide Climate Zones
Episode 4.3 Climate Analysis Techniques
Episode 5.1 General Passive Design Strategies
Episode 5.2 Passive Cooling Strategies
Episode 5.3 Passive Heating Strategies
Episode 5.4 Passive Design Strategies at Urban level
Episode 6.1 Green Building Certifications
Episode 7.1 Retrofitting
Episode 8.1 Case Study- TERI Retreat
Episode 8.2 Case Study- Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Episode 8.3 Case Study- Torrent Research Centre
Episode 8.4 Case Study- Gardens By The Bay
Episode 8.5 Case Study- Stepping Park Housing
Episode 9.1 Conclusion

Course 7

How to Gain more Clients for Your Design Firm

11 Video Lessons

2 hours Duration

*Available from 31st Mar 2022

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 Packaging Your Services Right Way
Episode 3.1 Creating a lead funnel for your studio
Episode 4.1 How to Identify your ideal client?
Episode 5.1 How to be where your client can find you
Episode 6.1 Marketing Channels for designers
Episode 7.1 Identify Best Channels that work for you
Episode 8.1 Writing effective proposals that your clients can’t refuse
Episode 9.1 Marketing Tools & Management
Episode 10.1 How to Negotiate & get paid well for your efforts
Episode 11.1 Conclusion

Course 8

How to Make Your Presentation Better

11 Video Lessons

2 hours Duration

*Available from 31st Mar 2022

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 Different Methods of Architectural Presentation
Episode 3.1 How the right Imagery helps in presentation
Episode 4.1 Presentation of Architectural Plans
Episode 5.1 Presentation of Sections & Elevations
Episode 6.1 Presentation of 3D renders
Episode 7.1 Creating Collages
Episode 8.1 Creating Compelling Presentations
Episode 9.1 Acing Your Next Client Meetings & Design Juries
Episode 10.1 How to Engage & Close like a Boss
Episode 11.1 Conclusion

Course 9

How to Use Biomimicry in Architecture

15 Video Lessons

2 hours 30 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 What is Biomimicry?
Episode 2.2 Variations of Biomimicry
Episode 2.3 Life’s Principles
Episode 2.4 Biomimicry Principles, Approaches & Levels
Episode 3.1 Organism Level Biomimicry
Episode 3.2 Behaviour Level Biomimicry
Episode 3.3 Ecosystem Level Biomimicry
Episode 4.1 Biomimicry Through The Ages
Episode 4.2 Use of Biomimicry in Building Facades
Episode 4.3 Use of Biomimicry in Other Fields
Episode 5.1 Biomimetic Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change
Episode 5.2 Biomimetic Energy Generation in Built Environment
Episode 6.1 Limitations to Biomimicry
Episode 7.1 Conclusion

Course 10

How to Design Streets

12 Video Lessons

2 hours 15 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 Understanding Streets
Episode 3.1 Designing For Pedestrians
Episode 4.1 Designing for Public Transportation
Episode 4.2 Transit Oriented Development
Episode 4.3 B.R.T. Corridor System
Episode 5.1 Amenities Design
Episode 6.1 Designing for Everyone
Episode 7.1 Sustainability in Street Design
Episode 8.1 Covid-19 & Street Design
Episode 9.1 Complete Streets
Episode 10.1 Conclusion

Course 11

Introduction to Skyscraper Design

26 Video Lessons

3 hours 45 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction
Episode 2.1 History of Skyscrapers
Episode 3.1 Foundations for High Rises
Episode 4.1 Structural Systems for Highrises – I
Episode 4.2 Structural Systems for Highrises – II
Episode 4.3 Structural Systems for Highrises – III
Episode 5.1 Floor Systems for High Rises
Episode 6.1 Circulation & Utilities
Episode 7.1 Environmental Impacts
Episode 7.2 Energy Calculations
Episode 7.3 Green Skyscrapers
Episode 7.4 Net Zero Energy Skyscrapers
Episode 8.1 New Technologies and Trends – I
Episode 8.2 New Technologies and Trends – II
Episode 9.1 Building Norms
Episode 10.1 Empire State Building, NY
Episode 10.2 Taipei 101, Taiwan
Episode 10.3 John Hancock Centre
Episode 10.4 30 St. Mary Axe
Episode 10.5 Burj Khalifa
Episode 10.6 Parkroyal Collection Pickering
Episode 10.7 The Aqua skyscraper in Illinois, Chicago
Episode 10.8 Raffles City, China
Episode 10.9 Hearst Tower
Episode 10.10 CCTV Headquarters
Episode 11.1 Conclusion

Course 12

How to Design Affordable Housing

15 Video Lessons

2 hours 20 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction To Course
Episode 2.1 What is Affordable Housing
Episode 2.2 Importance and Benefits of Affordable Housing
Episode 2.3 Factors Affecting Affordable Housing
Episode 3.1 Affordable Housing Models
Episode 4.1 Sustainability & Affordable Housing
Episode 4.2 Affordable Construction Materials
Episode 5.1 Affordable Housing for Rural Areas
Episode 5.2 Affordable Housing for Urban Areas
Episode 6.1 Design Guidelines for Affordable Housing
Episode 7.1 Stakeholders Associated with Urban Housing
Episode 7.2 Government Housing Schemes
Episode 7.3 Public Private Partnership
Episode 8.1 Case Studies
Episode 9.1 Conclusion

Course 13

Introduction to Architectural Journalism

15 Video Lessons

1 hour 45 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 What is Architectural Journalism
Episode 2.2 History of Architectural Journalism
Episode 2.3 Need and Relevance of field
Episode 2.4 Present Status of the field
Episode 3.1 Print Media
Episode 3.2 Digital Media
Episode 4.1 Different styles of writing
Episode 4.2 Journalism, Criticism and Communication
Episode 5.1 Basics of Writing
Episode 5.2 Writing for different platforms
Episode 5.3 Ethics of Writing
Episode 6.1 Prominent Architectural Journalists
Episode 6.2 Masters and Interships Options
Episode 7.1 Conclusion

Course 14

How to Design Architecture Portfolio

19 Video Lessons

2 hours Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 Identifying the target
Episode 2.2 Designing Portfolio Cover
Episode 2.3 Curriculum Vitae
Episode 2.4 Defining the sequence of your Projects
Episode 2.5 Adding more Stuff apart from Projects
Episode 3.1 Identifying the Right Format for Different Sections
Episode 3.2 Break down projects in Texts & Diagrams
Episode 3.3 Defining the Timeline
Episode 3.4 Ideal Length for your Portfolio
Episode 4.1 Composition Basics
Episode 4.2 Design Principles
Episode 4.3 Choosing the right Visual Style
Episode 4.4 Typography
Episode 4.5 Presentation
Episode 5.1 How to show your Portfolio Online
Episode 5.2 Print your Portfolio
Episode 5.3 Best way to apply with Portfolio
Episode 6.1 Conclusion

Course 15

The Ultimate Masters Guide

20 Video Lessons

2 hours 30 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 Benefits and Types of Masters
Episode 2.2 Masters Options – Part 1
Episode 2.3 Masters Options – Part 2
Episode 2.4 Masters Options – Part 3
Episode 3.1 Selecting a Masters Course
Episode 4.1 About the campus Part -1
Episode 4.2 About the campus Part -2
Episode 4.3 About the campus Part -3
Episode 5.1 Choosing the College & Appilcation Process
Episode 5.2 Statement of Purpose
Episode 5.3 Academic Records & Portfolio
Episode 5.4 Recommendation Letter
Episode 5.5 English Proficiency and Visa
Episode 6.1 Fee Structure & Education Loan
Episode 6.2 Other Expenses
Episode 6.3 Scholarships
Episode 7.1 College based Scholarships – I
Episode 7.2 College based Scholarships – II
Episode 8.1 Conclusion

Course 16

Introduction to Product Design

13 Video Lessons

2 hours 20 Minutes Duration

Course Details

Episode 1.1 Introduction to Course
Episode 2.1 What is Product Design?
Episode 2.2 Relevance of Product Design
Episode 2.3 Trends in Product Design
Episode 3.1 Universal Principles of Design
Episode 3.2 Lidwells Principles of Design
Episode 4.1 Elements of Design
Episode 5.1 What is Design Thinking?
Episode 6.1 Design Process – I
Episode 6.2 Design Process – II
Episode 6.3 Design Process – III
Episode 7.1 Case Studies
Episode 8.1 Conclusion

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      Eduwik’s Video courses are series of online videos that provide you with the knowledge, tools and skills you need to get perfection in any particular subject. Each video is curated with focus on providing more information in less time engaging with the students. Eduwik’s courses also allow you to download reference materials that helps you with the subject and provides you tools to use for lifetime.

      The course is 100% online, so once they are published, courses start and finish whenever you want. You set the pace of the class. You can go back to review what interests you most and skip what you already know, ask questions, answer questions, or quizzes, and more

      The courses are divided into different units, each one includes episodes, informational texts, quizzes and guiding tools to help you get the mastery over the subject of study, with additional complementary resources and downloads.

      You’ll get your personal certificate as soon as you complete the course. You can download your certificates in PDF and share the link online.

      There is no shortcut to success. But with the right mentorship, you don’t need one; because the way to succeed isn’t that long either!

      You are already late. But you still have today to make the right choice and get started. Upskill your team and future proof your business today before it’s too late.

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